jessicachen at nyu dot edu
Welcome to my website!
I am a second-year Computer Science PhD student in NYU Courant Cryptography & Security Group advised by Benedikt Bünz and Joseph Bonneau. The focus of my research is on cryptography, mostly proof systems and accumulation.
Before starting my PhD, I did a B.A./M.S. dual degree program in CS at Boston University, where I was lucky to learn cryptography from Leo Reyzin and worked as a TA for Ran Canetti’s cryptography course.
Proofs for Deep Thought: Accumulation for large memories and deterministic computations eprint
Benedikt Bünz, Jessica Chen
Asiacrypt 2024 [talk, slides]
Merkle Mountain Ranges are optimal: Limits on witness update frequency for cryptographic accumulators eprint
Joseph Bonneau, Jessica Chen, Miranda Christ, Ioanna Karantaidou